Why We’re The Asbestos Management Experts

Why We’re the Asbestos Management Experts

Asbestos-containing materials pose significant risks when disturbed. You might think you're doing the right thing removing asbestos from your home or business, but if not handled correctly, disturbing the asbestos can do more harm than good. It can cause microscopic…

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What To Do If Exposed To Asbestos

What to Do if Exposed to Asbestos

It's a situation no one wants to find themselves in. Midway through a home renovation, pulling apart a wall when you come across material that looks suspiciously like asbestos. Your first instinct might be to continue—but pause. What happens next…

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The Usage & History Of Asbestos In Australia

The Usage & History of Asbestos in Australia

Cheap, energy efficient, weatherproof, durable, fire and pest resistant, asbestos was once regarded as a miracle material. Particularly popular during the post-war construction boom, it could be made into asbestos sheeting, cement, corrugated roofing material, a spray-on coating, and insulation—the…

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